Sunday, September 21, 2008

Catching up

Well. The universe had other things in store for me and mine.

On the evening of the day of the Second Annual Love to Learn Conference that I co-coordinate with my friend Pam, I was admitted to the hospital with meningitis. The conference was FANTASTIC, but getting so sick, sucked. This is not the first time with meningitis for me, so I know that the recovery is slow, yet I am still fooled by periods of wellness that lead me to believe I can move forward at the pace to which I am normally accustomed. When enough is enough, I come to a screeching halt, and do a face plant into the bed, the sofa, the chair...whatever is near. LOL

I was sick enough and still medicated enough, that my friend Rachel swept in and offered to take over for me in getting my eldest, Amelia, to her new internship at WDW.

She arrived, along with sister Autumn to try to settle in, sans mom. After a few days, and a few calls, texts, and tears, I hopped a plane to be with her as she began the process of creating a new home, while leaving the old one. I am so glad I went.

Arriving home, again, I immediately began organizing for the last Live and Learn Unschool Conference, where I have represented Usborne Books since the first conference.

I came home to an immediate book fair at a local school, after which, I collapsed into my bed for the rest of the day.

These completed, I immediately began to prepare for a NC statewide camp gathering that my family cherishes, called FLT or Families Learning Together. We prepare communal meals while at camp, and my job this gathering was to purchase food for about 90 people. It is actually fun to watch the faces of the grocery clerks when they see me buy 25 pounds of lunchmeat at one time.

So, now I am home for a while. Amelia is begging me to come back to FL for a visit, soon.

The temperatures have dropped to comfortable levels, presaging (I hope) a snowy winter.

I will be working outside over the next days, trying to winterize, with hopes of creating cold frames for my raised gardening beds.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A New Journey

Today the universe led me to blogging. I occasionally read the blogs of a couple of friends, and today, I received a strong message to create my own space for sharing my passions and my commitment to the journey!

I purchased a digital camera yesterday, not really sure why, after about two years of searching for the "perfect" camera, I should feel a strong desire to have a camera RIGHT NOW!

Today, I believe I know why. I will take pictures of my passions, and share them with those who are interested.